Máxima MC (MSB de Medici) and the research group Fundamental Perinatology have over 10 years’ understanding and knowledge in modelling of the cardiovascular system. Additionally, we have extensive experience in facilitating simulation-based interprofessional team training and to conduct simulation-related scientific research (both national as international) in close collaboration with medical simulation centre Medsim, Eindhoven.
The input of Máxima MC incorporates:
1) Development and integration of a cardiovascular model for the avatar. Crucial for applications designed for clinical practice is reliability and realism of the physiological model. Besides human interaction with the avatar, realistic haemodynamic response is of utmost importance.
2) As a topclinical teaching hospital in Brabant Máxima MC can provide medical input, give simulation-based team training and contribute to workshops and symposia. By multiple interactions between clinicians, researchers and industry, the avatar will incorporate wishes and needs of the end-users.
3) Facilitate user test and evaluate the avatar in clinical care. We have access to a network of health care professionals and training experts.